Srikanth Kondreddy
Dr Srikanth Kondreddy is a founding member and vice-president of policy and research with Urban Health 360, a non-profit organization based in the USA. Also, he is an investigator with the Bruyere Research Institute and a Senior Fellow of WHO Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity in Canada. He works with United Nations agencies, governments and also contributes to Think 20, a policy engagement group of the G20.
Between 2019-2020, he served as a Senior Officer with the Global Health and Nutrition Bureau of Global Affairs Canada. He previously worked for the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, McGill University, Indian Council of Medical Research, Public Health Foundation of India, and Population Council. He received honours and awards from the Canadian Society for International Health, Indian Council of Medical Research, University Grants Commission, Eastern Sociological Society, International AIDS Society, and J N Tata Endowment.
Dr Kondreddy has academic training in global health policy, governance, and diplomacy. His global health research program focuses on two pillars – 1) global health governance and 2) global health diplomacy, built on multidisciplinary research partnerships and collaborations from India, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, the USA, the UK, the Caribbean region and the WHO. He is a member of the Global One Health Network, an interdisciplinary research-to-action network to strengthen Canadian leadership in improving the global governance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. His pandemic research interests include preparedness and response, and currently researching -1) Canada's response to COVID-19 in the context of international health regulations, 2) Political prioritization of international health regulations compliance in the Caribbean region, and 3) International norms and standards around Covid-19 International Certificate of Vaccination.
Pandemic Related Publications
Reddy KS, Chattu VK, Wilson K. Canada’s legal preparedness against the COVID-19 Pandemic: a scoping review of federal laws and regulations. Canadian Public Administration, 2021
Reddy KS, Mithani SS, Wilson L, et al. Canada’s response to international travel during COVID-19 pandemic – a media analysis. BMC Public Health 21, 1028 (2021).
Knight WA, Reddy KS. Caribbean response to COVID-19: a regional approach to pandemic preparedness and resilience. The Round Table. 2020 Jan 1;109(4):464-5.
Luckhurst J, Ertl V, Fleurbaey M, Grimalda G, Kirton J, Knight WA, Reddy KS, Sidiropoulos E, Thomas M. Transversal G20 response to Covid-19: Global governance for economic, social, health, and environmental resilience. Task Force. 2020;11.
Thomas YF, Aginam O, Banerjee S, Ezeh A, Galea S, Gatzweiler FW, Mberu B, Nguendo-Yongsi B, Ogbuoji O, Reddy KS, Thomas M. Reaffirming the significance of global public goods for health: Global solidarity in response to Covid-19 and future shocks. Task Force. 2020;11.
Kickbusch I, Reddy KS. Global health governance–the next political revolution. public health. 2015 Jul 1;129(7):838-42.
Kickbusch I, Reddy KS. Community matters–why outbreak responses need to integrate health promotion. Global health promotion. 2016 Mar;23(1):75-8.
Reddy, KS. Spanish flu- the infamous pandemic of the 20th century. Diplomaatia, 2015; 142/143.