
The Institute for Pandemics draws from the University’s diverse expertise to incorporate complex skill sets, from public health, epidemiology, mathematical modelling, health system and policy, medicine, social and behavioural sciences, pharmacy, engineering, information sciences, to management, economics and many other disciplines to address the multidimensional challenges of pandemics and public health emergencies (PHE). In our changing world, these unprecedented, extraordinary events, which can rapidly become widespread and lead to potentially disastrous health consequences and/or socioeconomic disruption, are constantly emerging and even accelerating. Collective, coordinated efforts across disciplines, sectors, and governments are necessary in preparedness and to effectively respond to these crises.

Our Institute forms a unique, highly interdisciplinary, ‘emergency-ready’ health research ecosystem to advance sciences on pandemics, epidemics, accidental/deliberate biological threats and other health emergencies.  We foster cross-disciplinary learning to equip our future health leaders with broad-based knowledge and a holistic approach to tackle such threats, and mobilize our generated knowledge to build awareness, resilience and inform policy at a timely manner.

Our Institute seeks to transform preparedness and response in pandemics and PHEs through research, training, and knowledge mobilization along three cross-cutting themes:

  • Readiness
  • Resilience
  • Recovery

Click here to read our 2023 Annual Report

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