Clare Atzema
Dr. Atzema is an emergency physician at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, a Senior Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Insititute (SRI) and ICES, and the Research Program Director of the Integrated Community Program at SRI. She completed a BA in psychology at Simon Fraser University, obtained her MD from the University of British Columbia, and completed her residency training at McMaster and the University of Toronto following a fellowship at UCLA. She earned her MSc in clinical epidemiology from IHPME at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Atzema's research focuses primarily on cardiovascular diseases, including atrial fibrillation and hypertension, as they present in the emergency setting. She conducts primarily health services research, using province-wide health datasets to determine how to optimize emergency care for patients with cardiovascular diseases. She also studies how to connect these patients back to their longitudinal care providers in the community following discharge from the ER, in order to optimize continuity of care. She is appointed at IHPME and can supervise or offer thesis committee membership to graduate students.