Prakesh Shah
Dr Prakesh Shah is the Pediatrician-in-Chief at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is the Director of the Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN), Canadian Preterm Birth Network (CPTBN) and an International Network for Evaluation of Outcomes of Neonates (iNeo) whereby he oversees a project of benchmarking outcomes of very preterm neonates in 11 countries with population-level neonatal networks with an overarching aim of improving quality of care across 240 NICUs. He is also a Co-PI evaluating pre-conceptional, prenatal and post-partum interventions to develop healthy trajectories of growth in a cluster randomized trial in Southern India. His areas of interest include Patient and Disease oriented research in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Health Services and Epidemiological Research in Maternal-Newborn care, Knowledge Synthesis and Quality improvement. He has evaluated and produced policy documents on interventions and programs for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of preterm birth for provincial and national agencies. He is engaged in policy and advocacy work with his role in executive committees and advisory board membership as local, provincial, national, and international levels. He currently leads the national Evidence-based Practices to Improve Quality (EPIQ) initiative engaging all 31 tertiary NICUs in Canada.