Vision, Mission and Objectives


To be a global leader in helping the world respond to pandemics, overcome public health infectious disease crises, and prepare for future threats so that everyone, regardless of background or experience, can thrive.


To power transdisciplinary research, train future health leaders in pandemic and health emergency readiness, resilience, and recovery; and strengthen responses, policies, and systems in an equitable way that advance national and global health.


Our priorities:

  • Link, coordinate, and support researchers across disciplines and divisions at the University of Toronto to confront the challenges posed by pandemics and PHEs through innovative, cutting-edge research
  • Pioneer training programs to equip future health leaders with the necessary interdisciplinary skillset for effective response
  • Serve as a knowledge nexus in Canada to inform and strengthen public health response, policies and health systems, advocate for health equity in public health crises, and counter misinformation through public engagement. 
  • Position ourselves as a global leader in pandemic and PHE management and a focal point for international partnerships
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