infectious-diseases-clinical-care, science-brief
| May 6, 2021
Remdesivir for Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
Remdesivir, a direct-acting antiviral agent, may reduce mortality and progression to mechanical ventilation in moderately ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19 on supplemental low-flow oxygen. The benefits of remdesivir for critically ill patients requiring supplemental oxygen via high-flow nasal cannula or mask, or non-invasive mechanical ventilation, is uncertain. Remdesivir does not benefit and may harm critically ill patients already receiving mechanical ventilation or requiring extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), and it does not provide substantial benefit for hospitalized patients who do not require supplemental oxygen. Remdesivir appears to have comparable effects when used for 5 days or 10 days, and does not appear to be associated with significant adverse effects.
Remdesivir is recommended in moderately ill hospitalized patients with COVID-19 requiring supplemental oxygen (Figure 1). Remdesivir may be considered for patients requiring oxygen supplementation via high-flow nasal cannula or mask, or non-invasive mechanical ventilation. It should not be used in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation or those receiving ECMO. Remdesivir should not be used in patients who do not require supplemental oxygen.